Quality Property & Facility Management Award 2022 Opens for Nominations

Advocate Forward-Moving Technologies and Advanced Management Applications to Attain the Professional Industry Standard

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 8 March 2022 – Co-organised by The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies (HKAPMC), The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Property and Facility Management Division (HKIS PFMD), Quality Property & Facility Management Award (QPFMA) 2022 is now officially open for nominations. With the theme “Quality | Professional | Forward Moving | Advance”, the award recognises outstanding achievements and excellence in upholding quality and professional standards by applying forward-moving technologies and advanced management applications in the property and facility management industry.

The QPFMA is a biennial award which aspires to honour and recognise outstanding developments and professionals in the property and facility management industry in Hong Kong. An Online Award Briefing Session was held with more than 220 attendees on 8 March 2022. During the session, the QPFMA 2022 Organising Committee introduced the overview of the event, and provided detailed explanations of the judging panels, selection criteria and award categories.

As in previous year, there will be three awards categories, with them being residential, non-residential and the newly added award category, titled Refurbishment / Renovation Property Management. Since there are more than 10,000 buildings in Hong Kong that are over 50-year-old and have not undergone any renovation, QPFMA would like to seize this opportunity to advocate the outstanding old building renovation projects, as a mean to resolve the aging buildings problems in Hong Kong. The Refurbishment / Renovation category has been divided into three awards: Large- & Medium-Scale Residential Property and Office Building, this category is now open for local residential and office properties to showcase their renewal strategies in property and facility management.

“The award recognises high-quality and professional property and facility management, and to strengthen a better industry through mutual enrichment in the meantime. A new Refurbishment / Renovation award category is established this year with the intention to encourage more urban renovation projects. With the application of smart technologies and advanced management system, I am confident that we will be able to address the housing shortage problem in Hong Kong.” said QPFMA 2022 Organising Committee Chairman, Prof Johnnie C K CHAN, SBS, BBS, JP.

“The implementation of the property management licensing system is the key to uphold the professional development in the property and facility management industry with the highest quality standard. We believe that by applauding the phenomenal property management projects through the awards will not only help to promote the industry development, but to raise the public awareness of the importance of property management services in our society.” said QPFMA 2022 Head Juror, Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, JP.

Award Categories:

Residential Category Non-Residential Category Refurbishment / Renovation Category
Large-Scale Residential Property Management Shopping Centre Management Large-Scale Residential Property Management
Medium-Scale Residential Property Management Office Building Management (Small- & Medium-Scale Office Building) Medium-Scale Residential Property Management
Small-Scale Residential Property Management Office Building Management (Large-Office Building) Commercial Property Management
Subsidised Housing Property Management Industrial & Car Park Building Management
Institutional Facility Management

Judging Panel (Sequence of Jurors is arranged in the alphabetical order of members’ English surnames):

This year, we are honoured to invite an esteemed judging panel of industry leaders and diversity advocates to undertake the judging role:

Head Juror
Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, JP

Chairperson of Property Management Services Authority

Prof Albert P.C. CHAN

Dean of Students

Associate Director of the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development

Able Professor in Construction Health and Safety

Chair Professor of Construction Engineering and Management

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Prof Johnnie C K CHAN, SBS, BBS, JP

Chairman, QPFMA 2022 Organising Committee

Ms Peggy CHAN

Head of Facility Services, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Dr Edmond CHENG Kam Wah

President, Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies

Prof HE, Shenjing

Head of Department

Department of Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong

Sr Prof HO Chi Wing, Daniel

Associate Dean, Faculty of Design and Environment, THEi

Mr HO Siu Kin Francis

Vice-President, The Hong Kong Institute of Housing

Sr HUNG Chuen Ka, Charles

Chairman of Property & Facility Management Division,
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Dr KWONG Tsz Man

Head of College of Humanities and Law, HKU SPACE

Mr LEUNG Kin Man, Stephen

Deputy Director, Housing Department, HKSAR

Mr PANG Yiu Hung, JP

Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR

Mr POON Yuen Fong, Sanford

Vice President

The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies Limited

Mr TSE Cheong-wo, Edward

Deputy Director of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department, HKSAR

Sr WONG Kwok Leung, Paul

Senior Vice-President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Sr Gary YEUNG Man Kai

President, Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management

Prof YIP Ngai Ming

Professor, Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong


omination Period:
8 March 2022 – 6 June 2022, 12nn
Site Visits: 30 – 31 July 2022
Finalists Presentation to Judging Panel cum Conference: 27 – 28 August 2022
Award Presentation Ceremony: 2 November 2022

For further information, please visit our website at www.qpfma.com

Please download the photos here

Photo captions

001 – QPFMA2022
002 – Dr Edmond CHENG Kam Wah, President of Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies
003 – Sr HUNG Chuen Ka, Charles, Chairman of Property & Facility Management Division, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
004 – Prof Johnnie C K CHAN, SBS, BBS, JP, QPFMA 2022 Organising Committee Chairman
005 – Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS, JP, QPFMA 2022 Head Juror

About The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies

The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies, Limited (the Association) was founded in January 1990 with the aim of maintaining the standards of professional property management, and to provide its members with the benefit of a representative negotiating body in discussions with government or other bodies relating to the interests, rights, powers and privileges of the members, or other matters of common interest. The Association promotes continuing education to its members and other interested parties, to cooperate with similar organizations to uplift the service standards, while establishing the Codes of Conduct and management procedures to safeguard the owners and public interests. The Association has 99 members who provide quality service for over 70% of the resident units, various commercial buildings, car parks, and private and government facilities in Hong Kong among those that hire property management companies.

About The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Established in 1984, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) is the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinance in Hong Kong. The HKIS has a membership of over 10,000 members, including more than 6,700 professional surveyors. The Institute’s work includes setting standards for professional services and performance, establishing codes of ethics, determining requirements for admission as professional surveyors, and encouraging members to upgrade skills through continuing professional development.

The Institute has an important and responsive consultative role in government policy making particularly on issues affecting the profession. The HKIS has advised the Government on issues such as unauthorized building works, building safety campaign, problems of property management, town planning and development strategies, construction quality and housing problems.

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